This book is for ANYONE with ANY kind of cancer! This book will help you keep track of your diagnoses, care team members, chemotherapy, radiation & oncology appointments, medications, bills and more!
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8.5 x 11"
Spiral OR Perfect Bound
112 pages
3 Medical Diagnoses Pages to list as many as 24 diagnoses including date of diagnosis & other important information
4 Care Team Member Pages to list as many as 32 care team members' names, titles & contact information
14 Medical Appointment Pages to list 112 appointment dates, times, who with & other important
8 Medication Pages to list 64 medication names, dosages, frequency, time & AM/PM
8 Important Notes Pages to list for as many as 32 important doctor's notes or other information
56 Daily Wellness Journal Pages keeps track of:
Day & Date Information is Recorded
Overall Pain/Mental Health Score
Chemotherapy received
Side Effects/Symptoms being experienced today
Radiation Sites including redness scale & skin breakdown including a detailed place to list lotions, regimens used
Pain - pain score, where pain is located & a place for detailed notes
Nausea - nausea score, what was taken & when & place for detailed notes
Fatigue - fatigue score
Poop - constipation/diarrhea, what was taken when & place for detailed notes
Food - what I'm able to eat today, what didn't agree with me & place for detailed notes
Drink - what I'm able to drink today, how many glasses
Sleep - overall sleep scale, what I'm taking to help me sleep, place for detailed notes
Important Notes/ Doctor's Notes - approximately 1/4 of the page is given for notes & other important information
7 Bill Tracker Pages to list 56 different bills including
date received
who from
what was paid
date paid
other information